Climate & Environment

Climate change proposals must be cost-effective, implementable, technology-neutral, and market-based. These policies must empower manufacturers, maintain our competitiveness in the global market, and continue economic growth. Environmental sustainability is key to the long-term viability of the manufacturing sector.

Press Releases

CMTA’S President and CEO Releases Statement on Sacramento Homeless Crisis

Sacramento, Calif. – California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) President and CEO, Lance Hastings releases a statement in support of Sacramento area business leaders and groups on addressing Sacramento’s homeless crisis.

“Sacramento’s city and county leaders are on the cusp of advancing serious and meaningful measures for the thousands of individuals experiencing homelessness. Months, if not years, of negotiations and discussions have taken place with the myriad of concerned stakeholders and the time for action is now. All of us have a role to play to mitigate the social, cultural, economic and deeply personal effects that homelessness causes to those that do not have the certainty of housing, food, health and personal safety. If skills training is the barrier for some, the manufacturing sector stands ready to do our part to transition our unhoused population to a life that is characterized by more economic stability. As a society, let’s change the way we view homelessness and those who desperately require our collective help. Never has it been clearer that civic, business and government leaders must come together immediately to advance meaningful solutions. The entire Sacramento region deserves that.”

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