
California’s tax policies must be fair and foster investment in the manufacturing sector. Tax credits and deductions are vital to creating additional employment, expansion of the manufacturing base, and increasing California’s economic opportunity. 

ISO Certifications Leading to $250k in Tax Credits

Did you know that improving manufacturing processes can qualify for the Research and Development Tax Credit? IMSM, leading ISO specialists, has partnered with Strike Tax Advisory, a firm that enables all businesses to take advantage of the R&D tax credit with no...

Manufacturing Minute: Update on Key Maker Bill and More

On this week's Manufacturing Minute, Ananda Rochita shares updates on CMTA Maker Assembly Bill 628, Export-Import Bank of the United States Chair and President Reta Jo Lewis in Sacramento, and a look at the second annual CMTA golf tournament. Click on the photo below...

Press Releases

CMTA Government Relations Update: A Recently Expired California Incentive Program May be Reestablished

This month’s Government Relations Update video highlights crucial legislative developments for California’s manufacturing sector. 
The California Legislative Summer Recess is approaching on July 3, 2024. This date marks the deadline for policy committees to meet and report bills, after which the State Legislature will take a break and reconvene on August 5, 2024.  

AB 2922 (Garcia), a CMTA Maker Bill, is aimed at revitalizing the recently expired Capital Investment Incentive Program. If successful, this bill will extend the program until January 1, 2035, providing financial incentives to attract qualified manufacturers to California. AB 2922 promotes economic growth, job creation, and regional development by allowing counties and cities to offer tax benefits to manufacturers with significant capital investments. This bill has been referred to the Senate Local Government Committee and represents a substantial opportunity for the state’s manufacturing sector to continue to thrive. 

Learn more about CMTA’s bills here. 

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CMTA Government Relations Update: California’s Manufacturers May Lose a Major Training Program

This month’s Government Relations Update video highlights crucial legislative developments for California’s manufacturing sector. 
Both the Assembly and Senate have a huge deadline on Friday, May 24, 2024, to pass bills introduced in their house of origin. In the days leading up to this deadline, both houses are intensively reviewing and voting on various bills. This legislative activity is critical for manufacturers to monitor, as the outcomes will shape the regulatory and operational landscape for the sector. 

A significant point of concern for California’s manufacturing industry is Senate Bill 1321, spearheaded by Senator Aisha Wahab. This bill proposes an overhaul of the Employment Training Panel (ETP), which has been instrumental in providing workforce development funding. The ETP has allocated over $26.7 million, benefiting more than 37,000 employees in the manufacturing sector. However, the proposed changes threaten to dismantle this vital program, jeopardizing sustainable jobs and career pathways. The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) identifies this bill as a Manufacturing Breaker Bill as it is a potential disruptor to the stability and growth of the industry. 

Another concerning bill for California’s manufacturers is Assembly Bill 2083, led by Assemblymember Marc Berman, which mandates the California Energy Commission to assess the feasibility of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industrial heat applications by 85% below 1990 levels by 2045. While the bill aims for significant environmental advancements, its current form is flawed due to its narrow focus on zero-emission and electrified equipment, excluding more cost-effective and technologically viable alternatives like hydrogen fuel and carbon capture. AB 2083 is an attempt to force the California industry away from natural gas in a manner that is not cost-effective or technologically possible at this time. Cost is even more concerning given that the legislature is considering eliminating R&D tax credits and minimizing the Net operating losses for businesses as part of the budget due to California’s most recent updated budget announcement. CMTA identifies AB 2083 as a Manufacturing Breaker Bill. 


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Government Relations Update: Two Bills That Could Impact California Manufacturers

This month’s Government Relations Update video delves into crucial legislative developments impacting California’s manufacturing sector.  

California legislation’s fiscal deadline is April 26th. All bills with a fiscal impact are due for consideration by the Appropriations Committees, signaling a critical phase for proposed policies.
Assemblymember Luiz Rivas’s AB 2400 takes center stage, proposing an extension of the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority Act (CAEATFA). This act, fostering partnerships to offer financing solutions, aims to slash greenhouse gas emissions and energize economic growth. Since the act’s establishment in 2010, the sales and use tax exclusion incentive program within CAEATFA for manufacturers of green technologies identifies a nexus between California’s economic and environmental goals. Since its inception, over 128,000 jobs have been created or retained, spurring investment that totals over $2.5 billion in fiscal benefits and $415 million in environmental benefits. AB 2400, a CMTA maker bill, stands to profoundly benefit California’s manufacturers.  

Assemblymember Diane Papan’s AB 2515 raises pivotal concerns for menstrual product manufacturers in California. The bill seeks to prohibit the sale of products containing any detectable PFAS, potentially exposing manufacturers to extensive liabilities and punitive penalties. While CMTA’s members are not intentionally adding PFAS chemicals to these products, the bill contains a private right of action and the ability to levy punitive financial penalties on manufacturers. Companies should not intentionally add these chemicals, but the legislation needs additional considerations before CMTA removes its opposition.   

Stay informed with the latest updates from the Government Relations Update video series, offering invaluable insights for manufacturers navigating California’s legislative environment. 

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Government Relations Update: New Video Series on the Latest News in California’s Legislature

Ready to learn more about what is happening in California’s legislature? Check out our brand-new Government Relations Update video with CMTA’s Vice President of Communications, Ananda Rochita.

📝 Learn About California’s 2024 Intro Bills 

💰 Find out what is Going to Happen with California’s Projected Budget. 

⚙️ CMTA’s Sponsored Bills Are Coming Your Way Soon… 

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ISO Certifications Leading to $250k in Tax Credits

ISO Certifications Leading to $250k in Tax Credits

Did you know that improving manufacturing processes can qualify for the Research and Development Tax Credit?

IMSM, leading ISO specialists, has partnered with Strike Tax Advisory, a firm that enables all businesses to take advantage of the R&D tax credit with no out-of-pocket costs to ensure manufacturers realize both the obvious and not-so-obvious benefits of continuous improvement. A webinar detailing how manufacturers qualify, what expenses qualify, and walking through a case study of a manufacturing client will be hosted on January 24, 2024, at 11 am PST. Join the webinar here.

The manufacturing industry is one of the most qualified industries for the R&D tax credit. Manufacturing organizations that do process/product improvement or development are arguably the most qualified types of entities for this tax credit.  Examples of qualifying activities include: 

  • Designing and developing alternative processes
  • Processes to enhance throughput
  • Prototype development and testing
  • Evaluating new materials to impart improved functionality or performance
  • Creating novel equipment
  • Developing environmentally friendly products/processes
  • Developing new products
  • Implementing lean manufacturing processes
  • Computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D modeling

The R&D tax credit is a permanent U.S. federal and state tax credit used to encourage U.S. businesses to keep highly technical jobs within the U.S. and promote further innovation. The R&D tax credit provides dollar-for-dollar tax savings to businesses of any size, these credits are used to offset income tax liabilities OR quarterly payroll tax if not yet in a profitable position.

The average amount of total expenses that qualify in the manufacturing industry is 28%! Don’t believe this? Use this R&D calculator to get a rough idea of what your business can qualify for going back to 2020. The tax credit is eligible to all manufacturing organizations, ISO is not a requirement. However if your organization is ISO 17025 Lab Competency, ISO 170202 Conformity Assessment, ISO 13485 Medical Device, ISO 9001 Quality Management certified, you hold a high probability of qualifying.

So, why pay the IRS when the IRS can pay you?  Let an IRS-qualified tax credit expert explore the possibility of YOUR business tax credit by scheduling an appointment.  Call Tina Travierso at (858) 761-7738 or email for an appointment at

International Management Systems Marketing (IMSM) is the leading ISO specialist with a goal to deliver world-class ISO consultations for organizations of all sizes, from all sectors, all over the world. IMSM is known as, a turnkey fail-safe consulting organization that supports a lean environment by drafting 75% of the operational manual and guaranteeing a pass on your International Standardized Operations (ISO) Certificate., Benefits of the various ISO include less returned merchandise, fewer defective products, lower workers and medical health insurance premiums, reduced OSHA fines, proof of corporate sustainability, and more RFP’s are won with ISO Certification as a result


About CMTA:
The California Manufacturers & Technology Association has advocated for pro-growth laws and regulations before the California legislature and administrative agencies since 1918. The total output from manufacturing in California is $300 billion per year, roughly 10 percent of the total economic output of the state. Manufacturers employ 1.3 million Californians, paying wages more than $25,000 higher than other non-farm employers in the state. For more information, visit the CMTA website.

About IMSM:
IMSM (International Management Systems Marketing) are leading ISO specialists. We deliver high-quality ISO consultancy services and standards to organizations of all sizes, from all sectors, all over the world. As an organization, we work towards a common goal: to consistently deliver to our clients world-class ISO consultation, reinforced by adherence to our IMSM Mission, Vision, and Values. For more information, visit IMSM’s website.

Manufacturing Maker AB 52 Passes Unanimously Through California State Assembly Floor, Heads to Senate

California State Capitol and Flag

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) is pleased to announce today that Assembly Bill 52 (Grayson) passed the California State Assembly Floor with a 77-0 vote.

“Investing in the future of manufacturing goes hand in hand with our commitment to economic growth,” said Lance Hastings, CEO & President of CMTA. “We applaud the members of the Assembly that supported AB 52. We not only will fuel innovation and productivity but also lay the foundation for job creation and a thriving economy. It is through strategic incentives like this that we can foster an environment where businesses can flourish, driving technological advancements and gearing industries forward.”

The CMTA-sponsored measure is a manufacturing tax credit equal to the local portion of the sales and use tax to purchase qualified manufacturing and R&D equipment. This measure aligns California with 38 other states who already credit or exempt manufacturing equipment, allowing our manufacturers to continue to innovate and produce at the highest levels.

AB 52 will reinvigorate California’s economy, with an estimated 163,000 new manufacturing jobs expected to be created and $1.5 to 3.5 billion in new economic activity if passed, according to the Economic Strategy Institute. This measure supports small and medium-sized manufacturers and will generate millions for services while keeping manufacturers in line with the state’s sustainability goals.

“Every Californian wins when manufacturing grows. Opportunities are created for the middle class, our economy gets stronger, and our state revenues reap benefits from an influx of economic activity,” said Assemblymember Tim Grayson (D-Concord). “AB 52 will benefit cities across the Golden State by keeping manufacturers in California and increasing our competitiveness for new investments.”

AB 52 now heads to the Senate.


About CMTA

The California Manufacturers & Technology Association has advocated for pro-growth laws and regulations before the California legislature and administrative agencies since 1918. The total output from manufacturing in California is $300 billion per year, roughly 10 percent of the total economic output of the state. Manufacturers employ 1.3 million Californians paying wages more than $25,000 higher than other non-farm employers in the state. For more information, visit CMTA’s website.

Manufacturing Leader’s Statement on AB 1951 Following Hearing in State Senate Committee on Government and Finance

Sacramento, CA – California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) President and CEO, Lance Hastings today issued the following statement in response to AB 1951 receiving the votes needed to leave the Senate’s Committee on Governance and Finance:

“Groundbreaking inventions and world-leading production advancements take partnership. Today’s vote sends a firm signal to manufacturers worldwide that California stands ready to invest in its creators, now and in the future. As it is, California collects little from this sales tax, as most manufacturing equipment is purchased in states without equipment taxes. This bill solves that problem.

By giving manufacturers in the Golden State that competitive edge against other low-cost states, we bolster the economic future and opportunity of communities across all of California’s diverse regions. Manufacturing provides a gateway to the middle class, and each manufacturing job supports at least 2.5 others in the economy. With today’s vote, we are one step closer to seeing more California-made products on store shelves across the country, more Californians in high-quality jobs, and more homegrown innovation in the state that has always done it best.”

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