News & Insights

We’re changing the narrative of the manufacturing industry one story at a time. CMTA’s award-winning storytelling team showcases California’s 30,000 manufacturers by uplifting the voices of our makers. Find industry news and the stories from those “Making California” below. 

Electric Motorcycle Company Ryvid Joins CMTA

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) welcomed Ryvid, Inc. to the association today. The electric motorcycle company combines the engineering expertise of innovators with the design acumen of aerospace and automotive...

Press Release

Manufacturing Maker AB 52 Passes Unanimously Through California State Assembly Floor, Heads to Senate

May 23, 2023

California State Capitol and Flag

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) is pleased to announce today that Assembly Bill 52 (Grayson) passed the California State Assembly Floor with a 77-0 vote.

“Investing in the future of manufacturing goes hand in hand with our commitment to economic growth,” said Lance Hastings, CEO & President of CMTA. “We applaud the members of the Assembly that supported AB 52. We not only will fuel innovation and productivity but also lay the foundation for job creation and a thriving economy. It is through strategic incentives like this that we can foster an environment where businesses can flourish, driving technological advancements and gearing industries forward.”

The CMTA-sponsored measure is a manufacturing tax credit equal to the local portion of the sales and use tax to purchase qualified manufacturing and R&D equipment. This measure aligns California with 38 other states who already credit or exempt manufacturing equipment, allowing our manufacturers to continue to innovate and produce at the highest levels.

AB 52 will reinvigorate California’s economy, with an estimated 163,000 new manufacturing jobs expected to be created and $1.5 to 3.5 billion in new economic activity if passed, according to the Economic Strategy Institute. This measure supports small and medium-sized manufacturers and will generate millions for services while keeping manufacturers in line with the state’s sustainability goals.

“Every Californian wins when manufacturing grows. Opportunities are created for the middle class, our economy gets stronger, and our state revenues reap benefits from an influx of economic activity,” said Assemblymember Tim Grayson (D-Concord). “AB 52 will benefit cities across the Golden State by keeping manufacturers in California and increasing our competitiveness for new investments.”

AB 52 now heads to the Senate.


About CMTA

The California Manufacturers & Technology Association has advocated for pro-growth laws and regulations before the California legislature and administrative agencies since 1918. The total output from manufacturing in California is $300 billion per year, roughly 10 percent of the total economic output of the state. Manufacturers employ 1.3 million Californians paying wages more than $25,000 higher than other non-farm employers in the state. For more information, visit CMTA’s website.

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