News & Insights

We’re changing the narrative of the manufacturing industry one story at a time. CMTA’s award-winning storytelling team showcases California’s 30,000 manufacturers by uplifting the voices of our makers. Find industry news and the stories from those “Making California” below. 

Fourth-Generation Walnut Manufacturer Joins CMTA

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) proudly welcomes Grower Direct Nut Co., a leader in the walnut industry with a rich history in sustainable farming and innovative processing techniques, as a new member of the...

PG&E and Acena Consulting Join CMTA as Associate Members

Sacramento, Calif. – The California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) is proud to welcome two new associate members, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and Acena Consulting to the association. Both companies bring significant expertise that...

CMTA Sponsors City of Fremont’s 13th Annual Manufacturing Week

Fremont, Calif. – In recognition of National Manufacturing Day on Oct. 4, the City of Fremont hosted its 13th annual celebration of Manufacturing Week from Oct. 8 to Oct. 14. Sponsored by the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA), the weeklong...

2024 MakingCA Conference Recap

Innovation in Manufacturing: Bridging the Gap Between Tradition & Technology 100 people joined CMTA to celebrate California’s 30,000 manufacturers during the 2nd Annual MakingCA Conference on Friday, October, 18, 2024. Speakers included CEO of People’s First Beef...

Press Release

CMTA Government Relations Update: A Recently Expired California Incentive Program May be Reestablished

Jun 21, 2024

This month’s Government Relations Update video highlights crucial legislative developments for California’s manufacturing sector. 

The California Legislative Summer Recess is approaching on July 3, 2024. This date marks the deadline for policy committees to meet and report bills, after which the State Legislature will take a break and reconvene on August 5, 2024.  

AB 2922 (Garcia), a CMTA Maker Bill, is aimed at revitalizing the recently expired Capital Investment Incentive Program. If successful, this bill will extend the program until January 1, 2035, providing financial incentives to attract qualified manufacturers to California. AB 2922 promotes economic growth, job creation, and regional development by allowing counties and cities to offer tax benefits to manufacturers with significant capital investments. This bill has been referred to the Senate Local Government Committee and represents a substantial opportunity for the state’s manufacturing sector to continue to thrive. 

Learn more about CMTA’s bills here. 

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