Please complete the ETP form here. If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Daily at

ETP Form for Manufacturers

"*" indicates required fields

Company Information

Point of Contact for ETP Funding*
*This is not your federal tax ID.
Contact Address*

Employee Information

Are company employees represented by a union?*
Are participating trainees represented by a union?*

If your company has an existing training program, explain the following items in the fields below:

Employer Contribution

Check all that apply:*
Does your business face out of state competition, from companies that do not have an in-state presence?*

Manufacturing Related Industries

Corporate HQ/Business Presence

Do these employees provide support to operations outside CA?*
Does the company derive at least 25% of gross revenue from outside CA?*
Does the company maintain at least 25% of the company’s facilities outside CA?*
Does the company maintain at least 25% of the F/T employees outside CA?*

Service Industries

Does your company provide services to customers located outside of CA, using locations included in the proposed training?*


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